contact & info

Practical information

Opening hours

2024 season

Parc du Bournat is open from March 30 to September 29, 2024

Closed Wednesdays and Thursdays : April 3 and 4, Wednesdays and Thursdays from May 15 to July 4, Wednesdays and Thursdays in September (see calendar)

Low Season (March – April – May – June – September) : 10am to 6pm

High Season (July-August) : 10am to 7pm

Night time : open until 11:00 pm

Night time 2024

2024 season

Come and join us for an unmissable night time (park open until 11:00pm) !

High Season :

  • July : 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31
  • August : 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29

The time of visit advisable

From two hours to one day

Prices & ticketing

Tarifs 2024

Ticket type Low Season High Season
Adult 14 to 99 yo 17.90 € 19.90 €
Child 4 to 13 yo 11.00 € 12.00 €
Family 2 adults + 2 children 50.00 € 55.50 €
Family 2 adults + 3 children 59.90 € 66.00 €
Adult reduce price 14.70 € 16.70 €
Child reduce price 9.90 € 9.90 €

Reduced price for : student, job seeker, handicap
Free under 4 years old
Payment accepted: cheque, ANCV, credit card, cash

Le Bournat unlimited 2024

Adult Pass : 44,00 €
Child Pass : 31,00 €
Come to the park unlimited throughout the season !

Second visit

For the purchase of a ticket, get the second visit for free

Pass Visites en Périgord

Discover 12 unmissable sites of Périgord at the best price
Pass Visites en Périgord

Buy my tickets

Useful informations

  • Free private parking
  • Photography allowed
  • Animals allowed
  • Shops open at the same hour as the village
  • Picnic Areas
  • Payments accepted : credit card, cash, checks
  • The park is accessible for wheelchair except : the chapel and the windmill
  • Le bugue 24260
  • Specific reception, lunch and guided tour
  • Private Hire available for wedding birthday or seminar
  • Management plan

Calculez votre itinéraire

Contact us

Do not hesitate to consult us for the groups : Specific reception, food service, organized days or for any questions. Privatization available for weddings or seminars.

    food services

    Discover our different restaurants.

    Local food

    Chez Paul

    Shadowy terrace and traditional meals

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    Open from 10am to 6pm !

    Closed all Wednesdays and Thursdays

    Prices & Ticketing