Scholar groups

Welcome to our
2020 educational program

atelier jardin enfants
Duration :  From 35mn to 1h30

Visit and workshops

You will discover the secrets of the Parc du Bournat yourself and remain free to choose your route and the direction of your visit. This formula allows you to discover the park and visit the Dordogne at a pace that suits you while enjoying a complicity with each craftsman. To help you better understand the site, a visit guide is available at the reception.

For classes who want to visit differently:

  • Entrance – School: 8,80 € (1 accompanying adult free for 10 children)
  • Admission – College / Primary: 8,80 € (1 accompanying adult free for 10 children)
  • Entrance – Kindergarten: 6,50 € (1 accompanying adult free for 8 children)

The services available – Package for the group in addition to the entrance fee per person

  • Guided Tour Package (max 25 people – duration 1h) : 4,00 €/per pers.
  • Workshop : 4,00 € – 4,50 €/per student.

The 7 workshops

An invitation to discover – playful and dynamic – traditional know-how.
Gardening – Bakery – Writing – Pottery – Pinhole (photography) – Farm animals – Scarecrowne

PRICE PER STUDENT: WORKSHOP kindergarten : 4,00 € – primary/college : 4,50 € – WORKSHOPS ONLY ON RESERVATION – 15 CHILDREN MAXIMUM

Educational workshops

Duration :  45min to 1h


The workshop aims to make children aware of nature and the environment, understanding the plant world and biodiversity, the senses, the vegetable and aromatic garden, learning taste and food balance.

Workshop as early as kindergarten Atelier jardin 2020
atelier jardin
atelier pain
Duration :  1h30


Accompanied by the village baker, the children discover the origin of bread, its evolution and its importance in food as well as wheat growing and milling. In the bakery, they prepare bread and learn baking techniques.

Starting from the elementary course Atelier boulangerie 2020
Duration :  1h to 1h15


The workshop deals with the history of writing, language in the 19th century and school in Périgord. It is also an opportunity to rediscover the full and the loose with pen writing, ink and calligraphy.

Starting from the elementary course Atelier écriture 2020
atelier ecriture à la plume
atelier poterie
Duration :  1h


The workshop begins with the history of the use of ceramics to continue on the techniques of turning and firing. Then place to the practice, the children handle the earth and model according to their imagination.

Starting from the elementary course Atelier poterie 2020
Duration :  1h to 1h15


The workshop allows to experiment the role of light in photography, the making of a pinhole darkroom. The children then put their learning into practice by using the materials made in the village.

Starting from the elementary course Atelier sténopé 2020
atelier animaux de la ferme
Duration :  1h to 1h15

Animals of the farm

Animal awareness, recognition and usefulness workshop.

Objective: the domestic animals of the farm, why these animals there, their specificities and their differences, the importance of these animals in the daily life of the peasants and in the rural world of the 19th century, their position and their role in the organization of the work of the farm, their maintenance, their feeding.


As early as kindergarten Atelier animaux 2020
Duration :  1h


In 1900, the scarecrows were set up to protect birds’ crops by frightening them.

The making of a miniature scarecrow is similar to the creation of rag dolls that little girls used to make by taking used pieces of clothing or old tea towels.

Starting from elementary course Atelier épouvantail 2020
atelier epouvantail
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Open from 10am to 6pm !

Closed all Wednesdays and Thursdays

Prices & Ticketing